Khanga has for a long time been one of the richest coloured and versatile materials that I have ever known. It has been used as a wrap by African women for decades and decades. I personally adore Khanga material and recently made a Khanga Hair Bow-Tie, which I clip into my fro depending on what I'm wearing.

So on my Twitter [@sirinusukurls] I posted a twitpic of the Khanga Hair Bow-Tie that I am now going to show you how to make. It is very easy. This is our goal[The magazines, a photography thing I learnt ت]:
Items Needed:
1.) Khanga material
2.) A Ribbon
3.) Scissors
4.) Hair clip(s)
How to make the Khanga Hair Bow-Tie:
1.) Cut up a strip of Khanga material depending on the size you wish you Bow-Tie to be.
My measurements were 60*7 [cm]. I wanted a thick bow-tie, that's where the 60 cm comes in.
2.) Fold the measured Khanga material into a rectangular shape. Make sure the colours are on the right side, which is the frontal part.
3.) Tie in the ribbon at the centre of the rectangle material. Please make sure it is at the middle. We no want no lobe-sided bow-ties. No!
As you tie in the Bow-Tie, make sure you even it out. Tuck and fold where necessary.
As you tie the ribbon, make sure it is firm and that you tie the knot at the back of the bow-tie. Again, firmly!
4.) As a hair Bow-Tie, fit in a hair clip at the back.

I hope you have gotten the drill. I told you it would be easy ت. I have done it from different Khangas as it is easy and fun!
Have a lovely time,
Siri Nusu.
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